The following op-ed by Roger Ballentine appeared in the Colorado Sun on May 3, 2022. — Among my great joys is an annual pilgrimage to the trout streams of Colorado. Last summer, the rivers were low, and fishing restrictions were in place to not further stress the fish. While walking the banks of the Roaring […]
What role can the built environment play in the energy transition? How can businesses innovate to pursue financial opportunities AND protect the climate? And how can we transform capitalism to reward business for benefiting people and the planet? Roger Ballentine will discuss how players in the built environment space can harness climate capitalism and why […]
The recent IPCC report is unequivocal in saying that it will be nearly impossible to keep climate warming under 1.5°C without substantial carbon removal efforts, and even difficult to stay under 2°C without it as well. Nature-based solutions, such as forest carbon offsets, are the most readily available removal technology and can offer a scalable […]
Roger will be keynoting Santander Sustenable, highlighting the sustainable finance imperative for banks and investors internationally. The event will be held on November 10th, 2021. For more information and to register for online streaming of the event, follow this link:
Roger will be keynoting the Energy 2021 Conference in Puerto Rico, hosted by Glenn International on November 18th. The event will touch on Puerto Rico’s energy revolution including the growth of electric vehicles and renewable energy, and innovation to decarbonization the energy system. The conference will be held at the Puerto Rico Convention Center, which […]