Today President Obama announced his intention to place limits on carbon emissions from new and existing power plants and a renewed focus to combat climate change. The following is a supporting statement from Roger Ballentine, President of Green Strategies, Inc. and Chairman of the White House Climate Change Task Force in the Clinton Administration: “President […]
This morning, the WRDA bill passed subcommitee unanimously, including a section on clean energy supported by a coalition of NGOs and industry. Section 2009 will enable the development of environmentally-responsible hydropower across the United States. Read our letter in support of the bill here: Letter in support of WRDA Sec 2009.
Roger’s opinion on the viability of an open fuel standard is quoted over at the Truman Doctrine blog in a post about the possibilities for the standard in Obama’s second term. link: The Political Prospects of an Open Fuel Standard in Obama’s Second Term – the Truman Doctrine blog
Roger Ballentine’s article on the meaning of corporate sustainability appeared on sustainablog and was cross-posted on earth and industry and nwcleantech.
Roger Ballentine quoted in E&E News ClimateWire on final presidential debate, read more here.