By Miranda A.A. and Roger S. Ballentine, Opinion Contributors Photo: © Victoria Sarno Jordan When it comes to energy security, Energy Secretary Rick Perry could learn a lot from the Department of Defense. Renewable energy is not a national security problem — it is a key part of the solution.
Roger Ballentine and Adam Pener photo: shutterstock/DutchScenery Maybe it’s time for corporate sustainability to get a bit more boring. Rightfully so, bold commitments by leading companies to 100 percent renewable energy or zero waste garner headlines. But the durability (or perhaps the sustainability) of sustainability comes from business practices that reduce environmental impacts while saving […]
Utility Dive recently quoted Roger on the growing trend of large corporate consumers demanding sustainable electricity choices. Read more on how Puget Sound and Omaha have tackled the latest wave of green tariff negotiations.
Green Strategies worked with Change the Pallet to write this blog post for ICLEI USA on how cities can make significant reductions in transportation emissions by directing suppliers to ship on sustainable, lightweight corrugated pallets. Read more here:
Earlier today environmental hero Bruce Babbitt, former Secretary of Interior and Governor of Arizona, stopped by the Green Strategies office to say hello and catch up with Roger.