Decarbonizing the Electricity Sector & Beyond

This week, the Aspen Institute released its Summary Report of their 2019 Winter Energy Roundtable: Decarbonizing the Electricity Sector & Beyond. Roger Ballentine, co-author of the report along with Jim Connaughton and Dave Grossman, has been co-chair of the Aspen Institute’s Clean Energy Forum for seven years.

Aspen Institute Report Contents

The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report has intensified the focus on measures to achieve deep decarbonization. For the United States, most experts say that, if the aim is to be on a 1.5°C pathway, the United States must transition to a net-zero carbon profile economy-wide by around mid-century, going negative thereafter.

At the 2019 Aspen Institute Winter Energy Roundtable, February 25-28, ~50 executives, entrepreneurs, policy makers and thought leaders gathered to tackle how the US can achieve economy-wide decarbonization on a scientifically called-for timeline while ensuring national economic competitiveness and a just transition.

Aspen InstituteDuring these discussions, the group agreed that there are five basic elements necessary to decarbonize the energy system: (1) employ energy efficiency to the maximum degree; (2) decarbonize the electricity supply; (3) electrify other sectors as much as possible, including heat, transportation, and industrial processes; (4) use zero-carbon fuels for the areas that cannot be effectively electrified; and (5) use carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) and carbon dioxide removal (CDR) for areas where fossil fuels are still needed and for achieving negative emissions.

Read the report to learn more about these five elements or contact us directly.

Ingersoll Rand announces bold new 2030 goals

On the same evening that Ingersoll Rand was recognized by the World Environment Center for their exemplary international sustainability leadership, the company announced its new set of ambitious 2030 Sustainability Commitments. We applaud our long-time friends and clients on this momentous next chapter and look forward to sharing in their progress.

Highlights include the following achievements by 2030:

  • Carbon-neutral operations
  • 1 gigaton (1 billion metric tons) reduction in customer carbon footprint
  • 10% absolute reduction in energy consumption
  • Zero waste to landfill
  • Net-positive water
  • Increased access to sustainable cooling and fresh food
  • Gender parity in leadership
  • Investment in STEM education
  • Seed grants for critical mobility needs


IR2030 Final Fact Sheet

Tough conversations: knowing your climate audience

It can seem daunting to communicate effectively on emotionally charged subjects like climate change. Roger sat down with RewewPR‘s Ben Finzel for a Q&A about advising world leaders and putting climate discussion into action.

The Common Sense Colloquy: Q&A with Roger Ballentine of Green Strategies

We’ve had the pleasure of working with Roger several times and currently collaborate with him on behalf of RENEWPR client the Carbon Capture Coalition. Roger is that rare combination of policy and technology expert and smart communicator: he knows how to succinctly and appropriately explain challenging issues. We consider ourselves lucky to call him both friend and colleague.

Our BIG thanks to Roger for sharing his time and insight with us – and you.

Q: We seem to be at a unique point in our history in terms of opportunity for action on energy, environment and climate change policies: we’re more polarized than ever yet there does seem to be bipartisan political interest in action on at least a few priorities. How should advocates be communicating about their priorities in this political climate? 

A: Of course, it depends a bit on the audience, but your question suggests a mistake that advocates often make: talking exclusively in terms of “their” priorities, instead of communicating opportunities for shared value/shared progress – and doing so with awareness of and empathy for those who might not share in the near term benefits of a clean energy transition.

Q: You’re known as someone who communicates about complex and challenging topics directly and succinctly. What advice do you have for communicators considering how to make energy, environment and climate issues understandable? 

A:  All people and policymakers worth talking to either think that climate change is real or think that it might be. Then the question is what to do about it and why. “Why” is about managing risk (which we do in every other aspect of our economy, our families, and our national well-being) and preserving the world for our kids. “What” is about investment in and transition to an equal or greater prosperity across the economy by building a clean energy economy.

Q: In your impressive career, you have advised presidents and CEOs (among many others). Now we have a president who was a CEO who doesn’t seem that interested in energy, environmental or climate advocacy. If you were advising him on energy, environmental and climate change policy, what would you tell him? 

A: I don’t think he cares about either the moral or economic arguments for action. But I would tell him that he can “brand” a new energy economy in his name (not literally, please) and succeed in that where all other Presidents have failed. Nothing but ego to appeal to.

Q: What’s that the best “common sense” advice about communications you’ve received from others? 

A: Know your audience and what motivates them.

Q: What’s the best “common sense” advice about communications you’ve given to others? 

A: Again, know your audience, understand them, listen as much as you speak, have humility, and then frame your message not in terms of just what you want to say, but also in terms of what your audience wants to hear. Find that win-win message.

Full article originally published on